
Showing posts from August, 2020

Weight loss fast at home

  40 easy ways to lose weight fast You know the recipe for weight loss: eat fewer calories and burn more.  You also probably know that most fad diets and express methods don't work as promised.  These expert tips will help you achieve your goal. 1.  Write down what you eat for a week Several studies have shown that people who keep a diary of their food eat about 15% less food than those who do not.  Keeping track of your diet is a simple habit of thin people.   Beware of weekends: A study from the University of North Carolina found that people tend to consume 115 more calories on weekends, especially through alcohol and fatty foods. Also pay special attention to spreads, dressings, condiments in sauce, sugary drinks, and quick snacks.  They can make a big difference in your ability to lose weight. 2.  Add 10% to the number of calories you think you are consuming each day If you think you are consuming 1,700 calories per day and you don't understand why you are unable to lose we

How to Lose Weight At Home

  Lose weight quickly - 30 tips for quick results If you want to lose weight quickly and healthily, you need a clear head, because losing weight quickly is not that easy.  We reveal 30 tips to help you lose weight quickly and a lot. Contents : Most of us have most likely asked ourselves how to  lose weight  .  This wish becomes particularly urgent when summer comes, you are invited to a wedding or the next vacation is approaching.  Then you want to lose weight quickly.  Here you will find the most important tips and tricks that can be easily incorporated into everyday life and help you lose weight quickly. # 01 - Drink plenty of water Water is extremely important for our body as it is the prerequisite for many basic functions of our body.  You should drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day.  Sufficient fluids stimulate the body's metabolism and thus help you lose weight faster.  In addition, water also helps against feeling hungry.  It is best to drink  half a liter of water  before you