Weight loss fast at home

 40 easy ways to lose weight fast

You know the recipe for weight loss: eat fewer calories and burn more. You also probably know that most fad diets and express methods don't work as promised. These expert tips will help you achieve your goal.

Scrabble Pieces On A Plate

1. Write down what you eat for a week

Several studies have shown that people who keep a diary of their food eat about 15% less food than those who do not. Keeping track of your diet is a simple habit of thin people. Beware of weekends: A study from the University of North Carolina found that people tend to consume 115 more calories on weekends, especially through alcohol and fatty foods.

Also pay special attention to spreads, dressings, condiments in sauce, sugary drinks, and quick snacks. They can make a big difference in your ability to lose weight.

2. Add 10% to the number of calories you think you are consuming each day

Person Holding Red Ceramic Mug

If you think you are consuming 1,700 calories per day and you don't understand why you are unable to lose weight, add 170 calories to your estimate. There is a good chance that this number is closer to reality. Adjust your eating habits accordingly.

Make sure you know how many calories to consume per day to lose weight.

3. Find a companion online

Man Using Laptop on Table Against White Background

A study from the University of Vermont found that an online companion can help your motivation to lose weight. The researchers followed the study participants for 18 months. Those who were assigned an online weight loss companion were more successful in sustaining their weight loss than those who only had a support group they could only meet in person.

4. Find yourself a positive mantra

Person's Hand With Cupcake

Have you heard an inspirational phrase recently? Get inspired! If you put all the emphasis on the things you can't do, like resisting a pastry or going out for a walk every day, chances are you'll never be able to do it. Instead, believe it or not, repeat a positive phrase to yourself, like a mantra. "I'm going to resist dessert today." Or “I'm going to go out for a walk today”. By repeating it to you, this sentence will become a reality.

5. After lunch, we stick to the water

Fluid Pouring in Pint Glass

At lunch, you can choose to drink a juice or a sweet drink. For the rest of the day, stick to water instead of juice or soda. Check out the list of the best and worst ways to hydrate.  The average American would consume 245 calories per day in a soft drink. That's approximately 90,000 calories per year or… 25 pounds!

Studies show that in addition to calories, sugary drinks are not as filling as less sweet drinks or a healthy snack.

6. Eat three fewer bites per meal

Pink Liquid on Glass

… Or one less treat a day. You can also think about drinking a glass of juice less daily. Just choosing one of her tips will save you 100 calories a day. This will save you from putting on the two pounds that most people gain in a year.

Also, adopt these 25 easy tips to cut 100 calories.

7.  Watch an hour of television less

Boy Standing In Front Of Flat Screen Tv

A study of 76 university students showed that the more television a person watches, the more likely they are to snack and eat a lot at meals. So try to sacrifice a show (there are probably some that you don't particularly like, anyway…) and go out and walk instead.

Try these tips to stop snacking when you're bored.

8. Clean something thoroughly once a week

Close-Up Photo Of Person Cleaning The Table

Whether it's washing a floor, a few windows, the shower, the tiles in the kitchen, or your car, a 150-pound person will burn four calories per minute of cleaning. If you run for 30 minutes, you could lose up to 120 calories, the same amount you find in half a cup of vanilla frozen yogurt.

9. Wait until you feel hungry before eating

Person Holding Two Hamburgers

It is impressive how much we tend to eat when we feel bored, nervous, out of habit, or when we are frustrated. It happens so often that many people have even forgotten what feeling hungry does to our bodies. If you have a particular craving for food, you are probably not hungry, but you are just greedy. If, on the contrary, you ate the first food in your path, then you are probably really hungry. Here are 6 ways to tell if you're really hungry. Find another way to meet your emotional needs and eat only when you are hungry. This way you will lose weight.

10. Smell a banana, apple, or peppermint when you're hungry

Close-UP Photo of Woman Holding Lollipop

It may sound funny, but it works. When Alan R. Hirsch, neurologist, and director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, tried this method on 3000 volunteers, he found that the more participants smelled of these foods, the less hungry they were and the more they were hungry. were losing weight (an average of 30 pounds per year). The researcher believes that the phenomenon is explained by the fact that the brain, upon smelling these foods, has the impression of being eating them.

11. Look at something blue

Blue Concrete 2-storey House

There's a good reason why there aren't many restaurants decorated in blue. The color would have the effect of reducing appetite. So surround yourself in blue while you eat: serve meals on blue plates, paint your kitchen walls blue, choose a blue tablecloth and placemats, and you will lessen your appetite. On the contrary, red, yellow, and orange would have the opposite effect, according to several studies.

Find more tips to calm hunger.

12. Eat-in front of a mirror to lose weight

Photo of Woman Looking at the Mirror

One study found that eating in front of a mirror reduced the amount of food a person eats by a third. Looking at yourself in the mirror and facing our standards and goals by looking at yourself in the eyes would promote weight loss. This way, it's easier to stop eating and remember why you want to lose weight.

13. Take 10 minutes a day to walk up and downstairs

Low Angle Grayscale Photo of Empty Brick Stairs

The Center for Disease Control in the United States found that simply walking up and down the stairs for 10 minutes each day would lose up to 10 pounds per year (assuming you don't eat more to compensate !).

14. Walk 5 minutes every 2 hours

Two People Walking in the Forest

Do you work seated all day? Walking 5 minutes every 2 hours has the same effect as walking 20 minutes at the end of the day. This short exercise will also keep you away from the unhealthy snacks that you tend to eat during your break at work. In case of a little hunger, opt for one of these 31 tasty snacks to lose weight effortlessly.

15. You will lose weight if you walk 45 minutes a day instead 

Crop sportswoman exercising with gymnastic hula hoop

The reason we now suggest 45 minutes instead of the typically recommended 30 minutes is that a study from Duke University found that 30 minutes of walking per day is sufficient to prevent weight gain in the majority. of people, longer physical exercise promotes fat and weight loss.

Burning 300 more calories per day by walking about 3 miles (which equates to about 45 minutes of walking) could help you lose up to 30 pounds per year without even changing your diet. If you are not yet convinced, read these 14 good reasons to walk to lose weight.

16. Don't buy prepared food

Flat Lay Photography of Three Tray of Foods

… And especially foods that have sugar, fructose, corn syrup among their first four ingredients. You should be able to find a less sweet equivalent for these foods. If that is not possible, grab a fruit instead! Look for low sugar versions for foods like ketchup, mayonnaise, and salad dressing. Also, avoid hydrogenated foods and make sure the foods contain at least 2 grams of fiber per 100 calories for grain products. Ultimately, a short ingredient list means less artificial flavor enhancers and empty calories.

17. Put down your utensil between each bite

Wooden plate with metal spoons on beige background

At the table, take a sip of water regularly. Take frequent breaks to tell your day or tell your guests a joke. Your brain has about 20 minutes of recoil from your stomach when it comes to satiety. If you eat slowly, then your brain will have more time to receive the signals telling you that you are full.

Get inspired by these 6 great ideas for mindful eating and weight loss.

18. Get rid of your oversized clothes for good

Assorted-color Clothes Lot

When you start to lose weight, get rid of clothes that don't fit anymore. The idea of ​​possibly renewing your wardrobe, if you regain the lost weight, will be a good motivation to stay slim.

19. Close your kitchen for 12 hours

Kitchen and Dining Area

After dinner, wash the dishes, clean the counters, turn off the lights, and, if necessary, lock the refrigerator and pantry. The kitchen is closed for 12 hours! Late-night treats significantly increase the number of calories you eat, according to a University of Texas study. Avoiding snacking at night allows you to burn off 300 calories or more per day, or 31 pounds per year.

Even if you don't snack, other evening habits can make you fat.

20. Walk before dinner to decrease calories and your appetite

Woman Holding Black Leather Handbag Walking on The Street

In a study of 10 obese women conducted by the University of Glasgow, Scotland, 20 minutes of walking would reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness as effectively as a light meal.

21. Do some physical activity with friends this week

Confident athletic woman with bicycle on countryside road

Instead of meeting a friend at the movies, go for a walk in the park to find out. Not only will you be spending more time on your feet, but you won't be ingesting the calories that come with popcorn and the soda that would normally accompany your movie. Need more ideas for an active outing? A tennis match, a guided tour of a natural park or the city, a bike ride, or bowling.

If you don't like sports, try one of these 15 workouts for people who hate exercise.

22. Count your steps and aim for 1000 more steps per day

Person Wearing White Silicone Strap Black Smart Watch

On average, most sedentary people take between 2000 and 3000 steps per day. Adding 2,000 steps a day can help you maintain your current weight and stop weight gain. Add more and you will lose weight. Use these 14 tips to walk more than 10,000 steps a day.

23. Put less food in front of your eyes

Assorted Sliced Fruits in White Ceramic Bowl

It makes sense, the more food there is in front of your eyes, the more you'll eat, no matter how hungry you are. Instead of using your larger plates to serve your meals, which are usually 10 to 35 centimeters in diameter, instead use the salad plates, which are about 8 inches in diameter. Also, reduce the size of your cup of coffee and glasses of juice.

Discover 8 tips to reduce your food portions.

24. Eat 90% of your meals at home

Two Person Eating Pancake on White Wooden Floor

You're much more likely to eat more - and eat more foods high in fat and calories - when you eat outside the home than when you cook at home. Restaurants today serve huge portions served on very large plates.

25. Serve your meals on plates, not on serving dishes

Group of People Making Toast

By choosing to eat your meals on plates, like in a restaurant, rather than serving yourself from the serving dish on the table, you will lose weight. The majority of people tend to eat 150% more calories in the evening than in the morning. You will avoid this by controlling your portions, by eating what is on your plate without refilling yourself, in particular.

If you eat out, follow our tips for making healthy choices.

26. Avoid eating in groups

Person Holding Sliced Vegetable

A study published in the Journal of Physiological Behavior showed that we tend to eat more when in a group, probably because we spend more time sitting at the table. On the other hand, eating with your partner or as a family, taking advantage of the moment at the table to discuss and enjoy the time together between each bite, can help to eat less and cut calories.

27. Always order the smallest portion possible

Bowl of Vegetable Salad

If you find yourself in a restaurant, always order the smallest option available. For example, a 6-inch sandwich can easily support you. No need to go for the large 12-inch format. At the movies, grab the little popcorn. At the restaurant, take the small salad. Here too, studies have shown that we tend to eat as much as there is on your plate, even if you have been full for a long time.

28. Eat foods that contain a lot of water to eat fewer calories

Bowl of Soup

A series of research by the State University of Pennsylvania has shown that accompanying our meals with foods rich in water, such as zucchini, tomatoes, and cucumbers can reduce the number of calories we eat. ingests. You can also think of a salad or soup to decrease the number of calories in your meal. Promote These 50 Fat Burning Foods For Weight Loss. Just drinking a glass of water, however, would not have the same effect. Because the process of hunger and thirst is not managed by the same mechanisms in the body, you will not feel the same feeling of fullness with a drink.

29. Enhance your vegetable dishes

Fruit Salads in Plate

In terms of calories, you can eat twice as much pasta salad with vegetables like broccoli, carrots, and tomatoes as you can eat pasta salad with mayonnaise. The same goes for all other dishes that can be enriched with vegetables, such as stir-fries and omelets. If you stick to the 1 serving of vegetables for 1 serving of starch ration, the fiber in vegetables will satisfy your hunger before you eat the excess calorific starch. As an added bonus, fiber is very beneficial in preventing constipation, which can round up your tummy.

30. Avoid white foods

Bowl with cooked white rice and parsley

There is a scientific explanation for the popularity of low-carb diets: Large amounts of carbs from white flour and added sugar can wreak havoc on your blood sugar levels (the level of sugar in your body. blood) and cause weight gain. To avoid consuming too much sugar, white flour, and white rice, but consume large amounts of whole grains like whole-wheat bread and brown rice. A Harvard University study of 74,000 women found that those who ate more than two servings of whole grains a day were 49% less likely to be overweight than those who ate only white foods.

31. Drink regular coffee

White Mug on Brown Wooden Table

The fancy coffees offered in coffee chains often contain several hundred calories, mostly from the whole milk, whipped cream, sugar, and flavored syrups they contain. So take a cup of regular coffee with skimmed milk to ingest only a fraction of the calories. When infused with quality coffee beans, the popular brew tastes just as good, you'll see. You will also get the nutritional benefits of milk, i.e. calcium and low calories. You can also use evaporated milk to prevent the water that is normally in skim milk from diluting your coffee.

The butter coffee would also be good for your waistline!

32. If you want to spoil yourself, do it with the right foods

Person Holding Honey Stick With Teapot

It is still possible to allow yourself some treats. But, if you do, don't choose just any food. For example, honey contains only 64 calories per tablespoon. A boiled egg contains 74 calories and is packed with protein. Low-fat ricotta cheese has just 39 calories per 30-gram serving and is packed with good calcium. Dark chocolate, on the other hand, contains more calories per 30-gram serving but contains a lot of antioxidants. A study by the University of Tennessee showed that people who cut 500 calories a day and ate yogurt 3 times a day for 12 weeks lost more weight and fat than people who just cut calories.

Consult the list of the 50 slimming and tasty foods to indulge yourself without feeling guilty.

33. Use high-calorie foods on the side

Assorted Sliced Fruits

For example, use ice cream to spice up a bowl of fruit and not fruit to spice up ice cream. Eat potato chips with your homemade salsa filled with good veggies, not salsa with your chips. That's what Jeff Novick, the nutrition director of the Pritkin Longevity Center and Spa in Florida, suggests. Everything hangs in the balance!

34. Eat breakfast cereal 5 times a week

Clear Glass Jars Filled With Cereals

Studies have shown that people who eat cereal for breakfast every day are much less likely to become obese and develop diabetes than people who do not. These people also eat more fiber and calcium - and less fat - than those who eat other breakfast foods. Also, eat oatmeal and vary the kinds of cereals to vary the nutrients. Also, choose cereals that do not contain too much sugar.

Try our 35 tasty breakfast recipes to lose weight.

35. Try spicy sauces, salsas, and Cajun spices

Different Types of Sauce

In addition to providing lots of flavor without adding fat or calories, they activate gastric juices and “set your digestive system on fire”, helping the body to burn more calories. Swap sauces made from butter, cream, and sugar with spices and you will lose weight.

36. Eat fruit instead of drinking the juice

Sliced Fruits on Tray

For the same amount of calories as a kid-sized box of juice, you can eat a whole apple, a whole orange, and a slice of watermelon. These whole fruits will satisfy your hunger much longer than juice and you will eat less.

Adopt these 10 tips to eat fruit more often.

37. Decrease the fat in your milk to cut calories by about 20%

White Liquid Filled Glass Bowl

If you are used to whole milk, decrease to 2% milk. If it's already the one you usually take, then go with the 1% or skim milk. Each lighter version allows you to eliminate about 20% of your calorie intake. Once you get used to drinking skim milk, you will have eliminated almost 95% of the calories you consume in milk.

38. Eat a handful of nuts as a snack

Nuts in Round White Bowl

Studies have shown that overweight people who eat a moderate diet that contains a lot of nuts like almonds lose more weight than people who don't eat nuts. Eating small snacks, once or twice a day helps control cravings and keep your body in a state of fullness. Hiker carrots and nut mixes with dried fruit and seeds are great choices.

39. Eat most of your calories before dinner

White Clock Reading at 2:12

Studies have shown that the more you eat in the morning, the less you will eat in the evening. Also, you will have a lot more opportunities to burn the calories you have consumed during the day than during the night!

Adopt these 6 tips for losing weight while sleeping.

40.Brush your teeth after every meal, especially dinner

Young woman cleaning teeth in bathroom

The feeling of cleanliness and freshness after brushing your teeth will send a signal to your body and your brain that it is no longer time to eat. You will therefore have less desire to indulge your greed and you will lose weight.

Don't miss the best-kept secrets in the weight loss industry. Check our Most Recommended Ways to lose weight TAP The Button Below . 

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