How to Lose Weight effectively Without Dieting

37 pounds without diet

"Have you seriously tried to lose weight in the last year?" One-third of women and one-quarter of men answered yes in 2014. This means that every single year, 950,000 Finns are seriously trying to lose weight.

If weight loss were even somewhat effective - another permanently lower weight - obesity would have started to decline a long time ago. Unfortunately, the latest statistics show that overweight continues to increase in Finland (2).

Dieting reminds most of a diet. There is a choice, as new diet books appear every year and dozens of diets are marketed online. Judging from the poor result, probably the majority of those 950,000 dieters started some diet. Dieting for weight loss requires willpower that gets tired over time, and most often the weight goes back.

An alternative to diet is to make moderate changes in eating habits that reduce calories. You are not going to lose weight but to lose weight.

Reducing calories usually results in 1 to 2 pounds a month. Slow weight loss at the rate of pounds is not enough for diets, but it is not worth punching it. Vice versa! prone to weight loss without dieting is an absolute trump card for weight lossYour metabolism and physiology will not be frightened and will start to protest with the austerity flame and other ways. Your chances of lasting results are better than a diet.

Calorie reduction is a basic weight management tool. It allows you to remove a few stealthily accumulated excess pounds or get rid of a significant overweight.

There is really no limit to the amount of weight loss when you just give it enough time. As an example of this, I want to tell the story of Leon (3).

"Weight loss was not forbidden"

Leo was well overweight when he was young. In middle age, he contracted dyslexiaThe cycle of diet regimens and subsequent binge eating periods continued for years. With the help of a psychologist, he broke the vicious cycle. It was a great relief, but the weight at that point was almost 140 pounds. What could be done to it when a psychologist had banned dieting so that greed would not start again.

Leo flashed. Weight loss was not prohibited. So in May 2017, Leo started losing weight instead of losing weight.

Weight loss involved the decision to use a plate model whenever possible. There were many other solutions associated with new eating habits. The following entity was created:

  • Morning: porridge and 2 loaves
  • Snack: banana, orange, or apple
  • Lunch: food on a plate or soups
  • Snack: coffee with 100 g of ice cream, sometimes buns.
  • Dinner: like lunch
  • Dinner: fruit or raisin-peanut mixture
  • 3 times a week: one row of milk chocolate bar - 24 grams.

Breakfast is always the same, but otherwise, the eating varies a lot on different days. In the mornings, Leo plans the dishes of the day based on what happens to be in the fridge or freezer, and where the expiration dates come first.

Leon’s eating habits cannot be called a diet at best. A man eats just ordinary basic foods six times a day. In the order of food, it is striking that Leo has not pruned all the treats out. Weight loss has taken place, even though there is ice cream, buns, and a few pieces of chocolate every other day on a weekly basis.

In addition to food changes, Leon's weight loss project has included regular walks with his wife in the Tampere suburbs. While reducing calories is a crucial part of weight loss, exercise has certainly helped to achieve such a good result.

Weight curve analysis

During the first year, Leo lost an average of 1.5 pounds a month and then about a pound. The figure shows that the weight curve is by no means a uniformly descending straight line. It’s bumpy, sometimes the decline stops, and at times there’s a slight rise.

Leo has been able to take a couple of three weeks of weight hangs calmly. Despite these, he has calmly continued his new eating habits. The curve has always returned to a familiar career.

Panic at the weight-hanging stage would have been completely unwarranted, and stopping weight loss “ineffective” would be extremely stupid.

With Leon’s system, his adipose tissue decreased by about 50 grams per day in the first year, then slightly less. If it had been possible to accurately measure adipose tissue reduction, the adipose tissue curve would have been steadily reduced by 250 to 350 grams each week. In the weight of the whole body - reading the scales - this change was not always visible, because at the same time there has been more water in Leon's body.

As for the effect of body water on weight, I will tell you more in the article Physiology of Weight Loss - not emergency pantsDuring peaceful weight loss, the calorie reducer should avoid emergency pants. When weight loss is stuck, you should calmly continue for a few weeks. Only if after a month the weight is still junta, you should think about where you could still reduce calories.

Leon’s weight loss of 37 pounds is in the same range as the average for obesity surgeryOf course, the beneficial health effects of weight loss do not require a quick weight loss. During her peaceful weight loss, Leo has stopped taking antidiabetic drugs, and without them, blood sugar has been normal. Similarly, elevated blood pressure values ​​have decreased.

Leo is 73 years old. From retirement age, the human body no longer adapts to drastic changes, which is why the elderly must avoid strict dieting. But peaceful weight loss is by no means forbidden. At the age of seventy, life can become healthier and better anyway with weight loss.


I don’t think weight loss is by no means uncommon. There’s not much to talk about, because there’s nothing dramatic about peaceful weight loss. Who cares if someone loses one or two pounds a month?

In recent decades, celebrity shockings - NN lost 30 pounds in four months - have been a standard item in afternoon newspapers. Would this be a change? I have been to find that recent papers have appeared in stories on how to lose weight without a diet. A few examples:

  • Timo 180 kg lost less than a hundred kilograms. The main character was a wife who had started little by little to reduce portions, reduce cheeses, add vegetables, etc. (4).
  • Sami 150 kg had eaten what hurts, pizza, chips, kebabs. She lost 50 pounds as her meals became healthy, drinking soda almost completely, joining the gym and jogging trail, and every morning at the scales (5)
  • Teemu lost 70 pounds. He began to eat regularly, the heavy burger lunch changed to soup, the portion sizes gradually decreasing (6).

It would be a big step forward if journalists from now on would only write to magazines about dieters who had started at least a year earlier. With fast diets, those who temporarily lost weight in a few months would not be able to show up. There would be room for real successes who would serve as examples for the overweight.

* * *

It should also be noted that dieting also makes it possible to get good results under certain conditions. The current treatment for obesity is familiar with a single diet, a very low-calorie diet (ENE). It can be used if you are overweight of 15 kg or more, ie a body mass index of more than 30 kg.

The diet is carried out with a special nutritional product that is low in calories but needs all the necessary nutrients for the day. Dieting loses weight quickly, but alone does not bring lasting results. The diet should only be used under the guidance of a qualified professional. He takes care of safety and, most importantly, follows a gradual transition to normal food after a diet. The weighted result is only maintained if the calories from the food after the diet are significantly lower than before dieting.


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